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We look forward to welcoming you and your students this school year! Rancho Los Alamitos offers engaging 3rd and 4th grade field trip programs that complement California’s history and social science curriculum. School visits are always free of charge. Explore the opportunities below!

3rd Grade   4th Grade
Children listening to presentation by Tongva educator

A Tongva Cultural Program

Tovaave: A Tongva Cultural Program teaches the culture and history of the Indigenous people of the L.A. Basin, the Tongva-Gabrielino people. 3rd grade students will be meeting Tongva educators on Thursdays from 10:00am - 12:00pm and complete a hands-on activity.
Sign up for 3rd Grade Tovaave Here!


Footprints on the Land

Footprints on the Land is a docent-led tour on Wednesdays from 10:00 - 11:30am exploring California history throughout the historic site. 4th grade students will complete a tour and hands-on activity.

Sign up for 4th grade Footprints here!

Welcome to Povuun'nga sign over image of the Jacaranda Walk at RLA

Video Series
An Online Tongva Cultural Program

This video series for 3rd grade classes includes a teacher orientation, a series of student videos created by Tongva Educators, and an interactive student journal.

This virtual program is asynchronous. You and your students will work through it at your own pace.

Virtual 3rd Grade Tovaave Sign up
Docent pointing into the barn as photographer records on camera

Virtual Live Program
Footprints on the Land

Virtual tours for 4th grade classes are available by request and are 1 hour on Zoom taking place on Fridays at 10:00am. Alternate times may be requested.

This virtual tour is a live program where students interact with Rancho staff and volunteers through an online platform.

Virtual 4th Grade Footprints Sign Up

Limited Bus Scholarships are Available for In-Person Field Trips:

  • Must be a Title 1 school.
  • Teachers must arrange their own bus, and the district's transportation department is reimbursed for the scholarship amount.
  • One bus is provided per field trip.
  • After you have made your field trip reservation through the above links, email schools@rancholosalamitos.org to inquire about a bus scholarship.
Please contact us at schools@RanchoLosAlamitos.org with any questions about signing up.



© Rancho Los Alamitos, 6400 E. Bixby Hill Road, Long Beach, California 90815 - 562.431.3541